How to Make Your Medical School Admission Journey Easier

Aspiring to serve the community through joining the healthcare industry is a noble aim. If you’re one of the students with such aspirations, you would want to learn from the best institutes to establish yourself in the competitive market as a healthcare expert. However, the journey to become a medical professional is a long and enduring one, which will continue to test your mettle with difficult obstacles. Preparing for and passing the MCAT is in itself an uphill task that many aspirants fail to clear. In this article, we’ll share key tips for medical aspirants to help them prevent any hindrance in their ambition of becoming a healthcare professional.   

Get Started with Professional Advice  

Students who contact a medical school admissions advisor before preparing for the MCAT have a higher chance of passing the exam. Experienced professionals like MedEdits can help you create a foolproof plan for admission to the medical school of your choice. Aspirants can ask all questions regarding the admission procedure to clear doubts and build confidence even before getting started on the preparations.   

Search for Career Fairs  

Career fairs are the best events for aspirants applying to medical schools as they provide them with a single platform where they can collect information about the admissions requirements and programs of a variety of medical schools. Students who visit various medical schools to access the same information will have to double up their efforts and spend more time on the road to do so.  

Contact On-Campus Mentors 

Forge connections with mentors across academic departments who can provide valuable guidance throughout the medical school application process. Seek their assistance in reaching out to colleagues for volunteer work, lab experiences, or shadowing opportunities. Additionally, tap into the insights of mentors for their perspectives on navigating the complexities of applying to medical school. Utilize resources available at your campus career center and health professions advising office, such as guidebooks and online tools, and establish a routine of visiting these offices regularly to enhance your support network.  

Take Your Roles in Clubs Seriously  

Elevate your participation and impact within clubs. Admissions committees consider not only the types of clubs you participate in but also value growth in various aspects, including heightened activity levels and increased responsibilities. It's not necessary to hold the presidency for every club (and probably not recommended), but taking on a leadership role, orchestrating major events, or contributing to the shaping of a club's direction highlights your leadership capabilities.   

Gaining Relevant Experience  

By relevant experience, we mean the research experience and job shadowing that can give an edge to medical aspirants in admissions.  

Exploring Research Opportunities 

Keep an eye on the science department bulletin boards or websites for chances to contribute to ongoing faculty research initiatives. Your academic advisor or pre-health advisor may already have established connections with faculty members or research labs, so be sure to consult them. The prime time to seek out these positions is typically in the middle of the semester or a week or two before midterms.  

Dive into the World of Job Shadowing 

Embarking on a shadowing experience with healthcare professionals can provide valuable insights into their daily routines and help you gauge whether it aligns with your interests. Reach out to your personal doctors for potential shadowing opportunities. Additionally, don't hesitate to inquire with your teachers, professors, or pre-med and academic advisors, as they may have leads on doctors open to allowing students to shadow them.  

Preparing Accordingly  

For those aspiring to don the white coat in the U.S. (and many in Canada), the MCAT is your golden ticket. The secret to success? Timing is everything, and only you and your advisor hold the key to when you should tackle this beast. Our top tip? Take it when you feel ready. The AAMC has a treasure trove of free and wallet-friendly test prep goodies to whip you into shape. If you've already faced the MCAT and the scores didn't quite do the victory dance, don't sweat it. Chat it out with your advisor, hatch a plan to conquer your weak spots, and then strategically pick your retest moment. Your med school journey is an epic tale – make sure you script it just right!  

Need Help? Get Started with MedEdits  

MedEdits provides top-notch medical school admissions advising services to all aspirants. Whether you’ve just planned to apply for medical school or need a skilled advisor for reappearing in the exam, you can rely on MedEdits. Their team of experts includes former admissions officers, and their company has more than 20 years of medical admissions experience.  To stay updated with the latest trends in medical admissions and clinical medicine, MedEdits constantly reviews medical admissions data, ensuring the aspirants always get the best service possible. Contact to know more! 


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